
Worked out every day of this long weekend but still ended it feeling out of shape and uncomfortable in my skin. Ate delicious pecan pie, turkey, gravy and stuffing, ice cream. Can’t eat like that and be svelte. So be. Will recoup.

My favourite workout this weekend was on Saturday night. I left the house for a quick walk, “Mike, I’ll be back shortly, need air…” got a second wind due to a new playlist and made a detour involving a 20-minute amrap at Almond Park of strict pull-ups and step-ups. Great to be in the park with dusk setting in. Can’t remember the last time I did a park WOD. Another good one was Sunday morning before the 8am class: 4 rounds of 5 strict pullups, 10 floor press, and a 400 m run followed by 3 rounds of a 100 m farmer’s carry and 15 DB deadlifts. Come to think of it, this morning’s 5km forest run into 20 minutes on the assault bike, wasn’t bad either. The moral of this story is that, in reflection, I felt best this weekend, doing my own workouts with no clock at play. Truth is, I want better results from my training than I am currently getting. Diet plays a role, of course. As does stress management. Many factors are at play and have contributed to the situation in which I find myself. Lots to sort out. The upcoming gym Fall Fitness Challenge will help!

Filled with gratitude for the family unit this weekend.

Almond Park pull-up and step up station




Fall Fitness Challenge